

“Bad Times at the El Royale”, which cast gorgeous actors and actresses: Jeff Bridges, Chris Hemsworth, Dakota Johnson and so on. The director is Drew Goddard who created the Netflix Daredevil that I really liked and is also well known for The Cabin in the Woods. I really felt that this movie would be for me 10mins after the movie started because of its set decorations, costume designs for each distinctive character and the moods that feel partially retro and sometimes gloomy. I loved the idea of focusing on each character and their backgrounds before coming to the hotel so that makes it easier for us to put pieces together to make the story clear coz i think most people will definitely wonder what these people arrive there for. That is a really interesting thing to solve in this movie like we do when watching Tarantino’s movies that usually take place in various situations with some mixed flashbacks and events happening in present. So I found the movie getting inspired by some Tarantino’s movies in a really good way: grotesqueness, bloody humour, complex mysterious plot and characters, and the last but not the least the way it hilariously jump scares always be ready for that lol it’s really funny when people sitting close to me suddenly get startled and chuckle right after that. I guess I did that too though today. Well, though I found the movie a bit slow and some scenes slightly cliched, I think it’s sometimes good to watch this kind of thrilling and a bit lengthy movie at the cinema. Thanks for reading my review!
