

I finally watched an independent film called 'Canta Timor' about a country named East Timor. East Timor people wouldn't bow to Indonesian military pressure for 24 years until they gained independence. I didn't know that Japanese government didn't stop supporting to the Indonesian military. It's totally a shame. However, the East Timor people sing "The earth knowing our fault-", East Timor people not "The earth knowing their fault". After the film, its director told us a few words from the East Timor people. "Please don't be afraid even if you think there are twenty people around you against two-thousand people. If you work in accordance with everyone's life's calling, there will be more than two thousand people on your side.

映画の後、この監督は東ティモール人からのある伝言を語ってくれました。 「あなたの周りが20人しかいなくて、相手が2000人に見えても、恐れないでください。あなたが命に沿った仕事をやれば、亡くなった人、生まれてくる人、それは2000人以上にもなるから。」