

Cop Drama x Fantasy.....hmm...

I really like the concept of fantasy creatures like elves and orcs being integrated into our world. However, I do feel that the execution doesn’t justify the amazing concept the movie presents.

This movie has a lot of social commentary on our world today. Especially regarding racism. But the racist aspect of this film, involving Joel Edgerton’s orc character being bullied and name called, was so on-the-nose. No one in real life talks or acts like the people in this movie do.

The orc gangsters wearing gold chains and cussing was just ridiculous. I just couldn’t buy into this world that they were living in.

The chemistry between Will Smith and Joel Edgerton was bad. They didn’t like each other for the most part, and Will Smith’s approach to his orc partner was so mean spirited and made his character unlikable.

The actions scenes were cool. But without likable characters, it becomes quite boring.

So they’re planning a sequel for this movie but I’m not sure what to think of it...
