
ザ・ヴォイド 変異世界のShowgoBondのレビュー・感想・評価

ザ・ヴォイド 変異世界(2016年製作の映画)
"The Void" is directed by Steven Kostanski and Jeremy Gillespie and stars Aaron Poole as a police officer on a patrol, who finds a guy crawling off bleeding in a countryside. He takes him to the hospital, where he witnesses a nurse stabbing a knife into one of her patients' eyes. Shooting her, he rushes into his police car in order to call for back-ups, realising that he has been surrounded by heaps of cloaked cult-like figures. After running away from them and having no choice but getting back to the hospital, he sees a fungly and grotty creature transformed from the nurse who was supposed to be dead...

This is a Canadian horror film released in 2017. I don't really know what to say about this not that scary but extremely gross that I actually closed my eyes a few times. I can say that the way the people trapped in the hospital get killed by creatures or people ended up going really nutty was kinda realistic as well as the way they bleed before they die. And since it was being filmed in a dark place: (the hospital whose lights are shut off and outside, where mysterious cloaked figures are standing by), I had to carefully keep tabs on who was running or what was happening in darkness every time scenes changed. I think this kind of horror flick has already been released like in 1980's. I enjoyed it not that much cos I had seen so many films that are similar to this film. How good or bad for you depends on how many horror films you have seen so far, I think. 

Thank you for reading my brief review of "The Void"!! 
