
レディー・ガガ:Five Foot Twoのceciliaのレビュー・感想・評価

One of my best film ever. She has such a beautiful heart with kindness and love. Love for her family, fans, all who support her as a team. She is a super star, no doubt of course, everyone knows her name and fame but at the same time I feel she is like one of us I mean just an ordinary woman who sometimes become feeling loneliness, have weakness and need someone who holds her tightly and cares about her the most. I respect her way of thinking and her life.
カッコいいガガたんも弱いガガたんも私にとってはヒーロー。こんな良い作品があったなんて!観終わったかたはYouTubeのSuper Bowl performanceへ流れましょう!
