

Doctor Sleep - Movie Review
(English translation below)

•[日本語] あの40年前に作られたキューブリックの名作、シャイニングの続編。前作とは違って、他のキャラクターの登場により、ストーリーが拡大化している。色々な場所で、色々なことが起こるが、とても暗ぼったく、異様な雰囲気はうまく保っていた。40年前に起きたことのフラッシュバックなどを利用し、その時に作られたムードを保ち、しかも昔のそれぞれのシーンを、同じカメラアングル、ミュージック、キャラクターの特徴を掴み、ほぼ完璧に再現してあったのはびっくりした。




•[ENG] The sequel to The Kubrick’s Shining, taking place 40 years after the horrific event in the mansion.
With involvement of other multiple characters who feed off kids’ soul, the action sequence was extremely expanded compared to The Shining, happening in multiple different locations for each main character.

Despite that, the tension and the gloomy mood like in The Shining were maintained well throughout the film with very little use of jump scaring elements and occasional flashbacks to the previous event which happened 40 years ago with almost the perfect recreation of all the scenes from the Kubrick’s film, including camera angles, music, and characters.
Therefore, the idea of keeping the legacy that Kubrick left in the story in lieu of just rebooting it by appreciating his unique filmmaking style in order to keep the theme and tone was really comfortable to see the film with.

However, one of the major issues in the film was a lack of depictions of background for each antagonist, although for the major characters they were thoroughly described well enough to be reasoned with what they do.

If you’ve seen The Shining and like it, the film will probably satisfy you.
