

Weathering with You - Movie Review. (the latest film by Makoto Shinkai)
★3.8 / 5.0

[日本語] ストーリーのなか&キャラクターの感情にすぐにひきこむくらい美しい内容だった。たった数個のモチーフだけであれだけ青春ストーリーを展開させることができるのはとてもアメージング。しかし君の名はと比べてしまうと、時系列がしっかりしているというのもあるが あまり複雑ではなく いくつか予想できるという場所もあったため 僕にとってはもうすこし ややこしくしてほしいっていうのもあった。なぜかというと 君の名は。での新海誠スタイルが好きだから。でも、とても見る価値はあるしこういった ほぼありえない経験をしている学生をみるのもたのしい。P.S もしあのホテルが実在するのなら 将来のガールフレンドかソールメイトか家族とかで訪れたい。(日本語でなんていうかわからないが)”pimp”はいないでほしい。because they are dangerous.

[ENG] With a story beautifully depicted and drawn the film definitely achieved to sulk us into the feelings of these two protagonists (just to mention I won’t get into that much detail of the story since it needs to be purely seen with no ideas about the story when you watch). Such an amazing way of creating this quite an emotional coming-of-age story with use of merely a few motifs to develop the narrative completely blew us away. Compared to the previous blockbuster film “Your name.”, complexity in the story was by far reduced, therefore more understandable and slightly predictable due to the plot in a chronological order. So it could’ve been a bit more twisted by having some segmentations either entangled or intertwined in my opinion since his style in Your name was incredibly awesome. Nevertheless, the film shared me with some great but a bit peculiar experiences of characters going through their puberty throughout the entire film. Definitely check it out if you have yet to see! P.S if the hotel actually exists in real life I would absolutely stay overnight there with my future girlfriend or soul mate or possibly family but hope there are no pimps round there... #天気の子 #weatheringwithyou #新海誠 #moviereview #映画レビュー
