

Fantasy Island - Movie Review
(English translation below)

•[日本語] 最初に、頑張ってこの映画の良いところを探そうと思ったが無理だった。そして、恐らく2020年最低映画トップ3に入るでしょう。5人のメインキャラがファンタジーアイランドに着いて、パーティーやらいろいろとしたりするシーンも何かのセットアップなのかと思ったら、まったく意味のない時間。ジョーク/ユーモアも全くもって笑えない。だがここで終わった方がまだマシだったのではないかと思うくらいに、残りの役90分がもっとクソ過ぎた。



Truth or Dareの監督であるため、同じ女優を雇ったのであろう。Lucy Haleの演技は最悪すぎた。まるでスクリプトを握りながら、ドラマスクールで練習してるかのような演技(特に終わりの方)。Michael Peñaの実の演技力がまわりのアマチュアさんたちにより、うまく消されてるのが残念。見るのはオススメしない。

(P.S TVシリーズのオマージュというより、ただ馬鹿にしているだけにしか見えなかった)

•[ENG] First of all, there was nothing good about the film AT ALL. Second, I hate this film. These 5 central characters arrive at the fantasy island and they chill out for a bit, partying and talking about themselves and brah brah...though none of the humour or jokes in the first act was funny at all, the movie should’ve ended here since it got worse and worse continuously as it reached so called climax?

The main problem was the script full of nonsense, yet too much explanation that really seems to dumb us down and also, an unacceptable twist which really cringed me away in shock. It felt like the film per se got so greedy to get some elements from every genre that it went so bad after all and the number of cuts to another scene could’ve been more diminished or organised. The mixture of various genre elements was a huge mistake to the story in my opinion.

Maybe because of the same director as Truth or Dare (another shitty horror flick), Lucy Hale was in it again. Her performance in the film was so irritating especially in the third act she acted as if she was doing some acting practice at school, holding a script. I still don’t know why Michael Peña accepted the role...on account of the ensemble surrounding him he also looked kinda amateurish despite his incredible true talent that we usually see in other films.

Anyways, don’t watch it. It even failed to pay homage to the original TV series in every way. Tatoo...
