
ハイキュー!! TO THE TOPのlisaのネタバレレビュー・内容・結末

ハイキュー!! TO THE TOP(2020年製作のアニメ)


oh happy 420 (I hate smoke but edibles are lit!) not done yet with this season but I finished part 1 and it's so good! as always! I loved hinata's ボール拾い adventures and epiphanies! bro is learning! and I loved kageyama not knowing how to read 宇都宮 lol bro is just like me in 中1 frfr
the one thing that bothered the hell out of me this season tho was 稲荷崎's 関西弁 like maji wtf is that... like どう考えても訛りすぎやろ
ユース合宿で宮あつむが登場した瞬間からえっ、何このエセ関西弁wだいぶ違和感あるけどまあいいやって感じだったけど他の稲荷メンバーが登場してからもうこいつらマジで喋んなってなってきたlmao likeお前ら兵庫県のどこ出身やねん、そんな訛ってるとこあるか兵庫に??私そんな関西/兵庫県民プライド的なもの特にないけどやっぱりどう考えても変な関西弁聞くとおい!そんなんちゃうやろ!ってなるなw
あと無茶苦茶関西弁を意識してるせいで宮がクソ棒読みに聞こえるんやけど lol like I'm sorry but I can't take that man seriously when he talks like a fucking kyoto no passive aggressive obasan caricature
まあ誰も読まないし lol
man when it comes to real talk about japanese shit it I guess I word vomit in japanese lol
but yeah anyway like bruh is it that hard to find va's from kansai
I did read that kansaiben in anime is like exaggerated to cater to a hyoujyungo audience which i mean, fair, but still... my god it sounds awful to me 💀 no hate to the va's tho, hope they got a fat stack of yukichi's for their work 👍
accidentally wrote a long ahh kansaiben rant lmao but I know I'm prob not alone in feeling this way and this is basically my diary since I'm logging shit every day so I can say whatever the hell I want! anyway looking forward to completing this season!! I know they're gonna win since there's the battle of the garbage dumpster (stupid ahh name) so that's good! ikeike karasuno oseose karasuno! 🦅(pretend that this is a crow)

yayyy it was so fucking good!!! yaaaas!!! I'm so happy for my boys!!!! 😭 烏野最高!!!
the kansaiben still bothered me but not as much most of the time? esp later on? either I got used to it or they spoke less lmao
man I'm just so happy for my bois like what more can I say, I'm so proud of them 🥹 and the first intro being used as the ending song for the final ep right when I got hardcore into that song just hit so fucking hard, like man I love this show, I love life, I'm so happy, I need to watch the battle of the garbage dumpster in theaters now I guess lmao
