
アイ・ラブ・ルーシー シーズン1の飯のレビュー・感想・評価

A classic rendition of gender separation that really amplifies and dramatizes and also is funny of how these separate sphere work.

How women should be?

This woman's basical job is to take care of the three-room apartment. At one point in the show she has a child and then she has something else to do, which is to take care of the little boy. But ordinarily that's her job, is to stay at home with baby or with not the baby. This is considered to be an excellent role for women. It is an exalted role for women.

But it has "The problem with no name."

Why is it that women like Lucille Ball in that situation, are actually not so happy with being on pedestal?
The answer is they don't have dignity. They can't get rewarded with active participation in the labor force in a way.

It shows the stereotype and to some degree the reality of the difference between men and women.

"The sociological imagination"