
セックス・エデュケーション シーズン4のcassのレビュー・感想・評価

maybe this is my most favourite season
it’s so saddening that the series ended but i am so glad they made this series and i watched it

i couldn’t see the screen most of the time because i was crying like every single minute lol how do we relate to every single character??? aimie finially finding her own voice through art??? adam and his family was such a good representation of family miscommunication. that kind of family dynamic is seen as “normal” but the amount of trauma, anxiety and emotional abuse they all get from miscommunication and dis functioning is countless. and i think they portrayed it so delicately. i loved every second of their scenes.

the most realistic thing of all is the post depression scene… the way they know ppl care about them but it makes them feel guilty even more and they cannot go out even more????! ugh who ever wrote that scene and played them, i love you sm.
