

After watching "Pretty Woman," I found myself wondering about the protagonist's future happiness with her wealthy suitor. In the 1990s, the film's fairy-tale romance of a woman "getting the rich man" resonated as a popular fantasy. However, this notion seems increasingly outdated in today's society.
The movie's emphasis on materialism as a source of happiness feels out of place in our current cultural landscape. Today, we recognize that true fulfillment comes from personal growth, mutual respect, and emotional connection rather than financial status. While "Pretty Woman" remains a beloved classic, its central premise invites reflection on how our values and societal expectations have evolved.

New words:
caterer: まかない人、世話係(パーティーの)
suntan: 日焼け
grouch: 短気
temperamental: 気性の荒い
overlook: 見落とす、見過ごす
intriguing: 魅力的、陰謀を企てる
espionage: スパイ行為をする
condescending: 恩着せがましい
