

At first glance this film is incredibly simple - a collection of conversations united in that they’re made over coffee and cigarettes.

The more I reflect on what these conversations represented, the more I realised how difficult it must’ve been to achieve this simplicity. It seems to me that so many details were meticulously thought out; the placement of the characters/layout of the scene, the pacing of the conversations in relation to the characters, and the black and white layout.

I had a conversation about the purpose of making films black and white, which was something I haven’t thought about much before. For some films it’s hard to make a case for them being purposely shown in monochrome, but for this film I think it works; by showing these scenes in monochrome I think the film allows itself to exist more in a timeless space such that it lends itself to be continuously relatable.

In all, I simply loved this film because it captures relatable moments that at times felt very personal. I would rate it higher but I had to watch this in two takes as it was late and I was mentally exhausted. Would want to see this again.
