

I really enjoyed this movie. Irene Jacobs was so beautiful, and the framing and colours used to film her, as the subject, were also extraordinarily alluring. Its exploration of fate, chance, intuition, instinct, love and death made me realise that no matter how unique, our experiences are often shared. Sometimes things that may be unexplainably instinctive may have more to them, and in the end, it was Weronika that took all the falls for Veronique - a sort of guardian angel, unbeknownst to either of them.

Though some parts of the film seemed irrelevant or unnecessary, like the court case or some sex scenes, and sometimes the main character seemed extremely unrealistic - I could tell Weronika/Veronique was conforming to the male gaze - I am able to put these negatives aside. The slanted-angle shots, the shots through the circular orb and the green/red/yellow filter really gave this film its own character. I also especially admired the puppet scene and the music of the entire film; it seemed very fatalistic and superstitious. The soundtrack is also top tier, by Polish composer Z.Preisner.
