



コリン・ファースがShit! Shit! Shit!…Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!…などと数々のお下品な言葉を発する場面に思わず笑ってしまいました(吃音を治すための一種の治療?です笑) ちなみにこのシーンが理由でイギリスでは当初R15だったようです…映画関係者が抗議した結果、R12を下がったようですが。

King George VI: All that... work... down the drain. My own... b... brother, I couldn't say a single w-word to him in reply.

Lionel Logue: Why do you stammer so much more with David than you ever do with me?

King George VI: 'Cos you're b... bloody well paid to listen.

Lionel Logue: Bertie, I'm not a geisha girl.

King George VI: Stop trying to be so bloody clever.

Lionel Logue: What is it about David that stops you speaking?

King George VI: What is it about you that bloody well makes you want to go on about it the whole bloody time?

Lionel Logue: Vulgar, but fluent; you don't stammer when you swear.

King George VI: Oh, bugger off!

Lionel Logue: Is that the best you can do?

King George VI: [like an elocution lesson] Well... bloody bugger to you, you beastly bastard.

Lionel Logue: Oh, a public school prig could do better than that.

King George VI: Shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!

Lionel Logue: Yes!

King George VI: Shit!

Lionel Logue: Defecation flows trippingly from the tongue!

King George VI: Because I'm angry!

Lionel Logue: Do you know the f-word?

King George VI: F... f... fornication?

Lionel Logue: Oh, Bertie.

King George VI: Fuck. Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck and fuck! Fuck, fuck and bugger! Bugger, bugger, buggerty buggerty buggerty, fuck, fuck, arse!

Lionel Logue: Yes...

King George VI: Balls, balls...

Lionel Logue: ...you see, not a hesitation!

King George VI: ...fuckity, shit, shit, fuck and willy. Willy, shit and fuck and... tits.

