



I found a good no-sound copy of Dziga Vertov’s The Man with a Movie Camera (1929) online, so I watched on my school’s big screen alongside a playlist of the relatively new style of synth pop called Sovietwave. The movie is non-narrative documentary of machines, cities, and people in the early USSR, with a lot of nifty filming and editing techniques. It might have been the first time I saw the movie all the way through; I can’t really remember. As for the movie, it was very nice. I could pinpoint what I’ve always liked about the Soviet version of formalism. It’s a style of reflexive modernism that is nonetheless based on enthusiastic immersion. You’re enjoying being a part of what you see even while you’re deconstructing perspectives. As for my soundtrack choice, it maybe wasn’t the best. I was hoping that nostalgic contemporary Russian electronic music would provide some kind of historical irony or pathos, but it ended up making some scenes into cheesy new wave music video clips. Never underestimate the audio in audiovisual, I guess.