


"To leave it undone will cost us England."

"Pearls for a pearl."

"Alright, you should have one, for your execution."

"Every woman thinks herself the right wife for every other woman's husband."

"Who knows what life may bring? The crown perhaps."

"Refinement's a thing of the past."

"It's a poor thing to command in love."

“This marriage must go on."

"You to stand in England's way!"

"The things I've done for England."

"Don't you understand the King's English! I said money!"

"Not at all. Very natural interest in the welfare of the country."

"There comes a time in life when the well runs dry."

"The fifth marriage looked like a success."

"Love is everything in the world."

"Through how many blunders, stupidities, and cruelties has a man to pass, before he finds his happiness in a wife?"

"Love is drunkenness when one is young. Love is wisdom at my age."

"And there's no one in Europe to help me."

"Six wives, and the best of them's the worst!"
