
LEGO(R) ムービーのカールスのレビュー・感想・評価

LEGO(R) ムービー(2014年製作の映画)

This movie looks like shit. But let me tell you that the themes and the characters are great and funny and is over all a fantastic movie in my eyes. This movie is possible only because it was made with Lego in mind. The themes of people who play Lego just to follow the rules in the booklet Vs. the people who go out of there way to make something great and original with the bricks is such a great perspective. it pushes both messages of individuality and hard work at the same time.
Also not just that but the over all theme of what it means to be "the special" is just fantastically implemented to a character that was supposed to be the most normalest protagonist ever, yet he is unique and compelling. And not to mention how the animation style is so unique considering this is a 2014 movie. Seriously this movie didn't need to be this brilliant but it is, and I was surprised watching again this many years later. I don't regret giving this a perfect score.

Beautiful Mind.
