マンデラ 自由への長い道のYASUのレビュー・感想・評価

マンデラ 自由への長い道(2013年製作の映画)

I recently did the MBTI and watched it to see if the results showed that I was the same type as Martin Luther King, Jr. and Nelson Mandela, and if I thought and acted like them.
First of all, I wouldn't tolerate cheating on my wife. I wouldn't mind her having a second partner. If she had one, it would be because I haven't satisfied her. But I wouldn't do it myself. In other words, cheating and adultery.
Secondly, trespassing and blowing up city halls and so on. There is a saying that an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, but nothing is solved by using violence against each other. If you're going to do it, do it without rules. It's only antagonistic to the other side if you go into a whites-only area with impunity. But to be honest, this kind of individuality may be nothing more than a pretty face. If I were on the other side, I might have done it. I'm not there.