

Hard to describe.
The story was serious and made me sad but it's real. People are struggling with this decease.
I had a family member who had Alzheimer's. It was so sad that he couldn't remember my name he used to call even his children. However now I think he must have been frustrated more than anyone else.
Losing memories is like going back to be a baby but not the same, it's more painful. Once you gained all, you know what it feels what it's like and who you are.
We can't help anything but it's so tough to the person who has Alzheimer's and people who support the person.

If I were in her shoes, I'd definitely do the same thing that Alice tried to commit. Even though she didn't know what it's supposed to mean.
Lives aren't maybe equal. But that's life we live.
How you've lived shows what or who you have and who you are.
That'll never change.
