

With colorful renegades storming the night, spouting gospel about acceptance. Scenes bathed in colored spectacles presenting one helluva sight. The Greatest Showman dazzles and astonishes audiences with well-acted, visually intriguing, and gratifyingly choreographed acts—giving us a true VIP treatment to the genesis of showbiz.

Witnessing Jackman embracing his passion for theater once again is mesmerizing—in fact, the same applies to the entire cast of this film. When the light dimmed and the eargasmic musical number seizes the spotlight, The Greatest Showman is infectiously intoxicating; and for that moment it truly feels as if you were watching the greatest show ever conceived. Alas, the movie in its entirety is far from that title.

The Greatest Showman is a series of abruptly envisioned and somewhat confused character arcs that fail to compliment its stellar musical performances—it is as if the film was designed as a stage production first and a theatrical feature second. Never once the film squeezes the intricacies of P.T. Baunum’s life. It sadly made the poor decision to remain comfortable by simply scratching the surface, which makes The Greatest Showman akin to a circus—a feel-good entertainment that serves as nothing but a glorified distraction.
