

The DC universe has made a compelling origin story movie of one of the most iconic superheroes in comic book history. Wonder Woman completely lives up to her reputation in this movie.

And it's the first female superhero movie that doesn't suck! (Catwoman....ugh...)

I had some doubts about Gal Gadot's casting at first. She was alright in the Fast & Furious movies, but really didn't shine much as an actress. But after watching this movie, she IS Wonder Woman. Not just her physical appearance, but the her courageous attitude and the way she conveyed emotion, she embodies Wonder Woman perfectly.

Her chemistry with Chris Pine's Steve Trevor also was fantastic. It's their bonding, and how they learn about each other's background and culture that really sells this movie.

Wonder Woman aka Diana is a god. She is a warrior in a land of all women. It's going to be weird for Steve to accept that, and that aspect really allowed for some comedy.

Same with Diana, her understanding of the outside world was like looking at a kid. She doesn't understand the human culture. It's this learning and growing that really lights this movie.

Which is why the action scenes are also exciting. Because you care so much about the characters. Towards the end, it does get a little CG heavy but it's the perfect type of epic ending that so many other movies fail to capture.

The villains in the movie are really just vessels for the hero to fight. Just like most superhero movies, really.

I'm just really happy we got a good DC movie now. Hopefully she could be the saving grace of the new Justice League movie too!
