

I was trying to use quarantine time to catch up on cinematic anime that I’d missed. One of them was In this Corner of the World (2016), about a young woman’s life in Hiroshima Prefecture around the time of World War 2. It depicts her daily traditional life and the gradual encroach of the war, of course culminating the in the atomic bomb and Japan’s surrender. It’s actually not quite right to call it “anime” especially in English where the term has particular connotations. (Although it’s written and directed by Sunao Katabuchi, the director and writer of Black Lagoon (2006-7) which is about as “anime” as you can get.) It’s hard to describe in English, but in all aspects – character design, animation style, story pacing, voice and music tonality – it was like watching an animated segment of a historical program on NHK that lasts 2 and half hours. Not that that’s bad; it has a charming languid feel which becomes very poignant when it inevitably comes to engage with the violence of war. It was lavishly praised here in Japan and apparently by critics abroad too. One thing I found interesting was that some English-language critics liked the film but condemned the “erratic plot.” There are a number of things to criticize about the movie, but this point really showed that many film critics still don’t know how to engage with anime. I’ve never read the manga it’s based on, but the movie has the particular type of manga (and anime) storytelling which moves fluidly between short episodes and didactic graphic explanation, where narrative is only one of a set of tools to explain “what it’s like” in a particular place, time period, job, etc. It’s a different style of dealing with fictional immersion, which still isn’t widely shared, I guess.