

Translating a book that tackles corporate greed, mental health, as well as a plethora of deep-cut references is no easy feat. For better or worse, Ready Player One is a good film—not great—but decent. From envisioning elaborate set-pieces, grandeur world-building, capitalizing on Silvestri’s score as well as thoroughly immersive sound design, Ready Player One encapsulates all of Spielberg’s strengths that we seldom see in his modern filmography.

Ready Player One in its entirety is a very ‘subtle’ love letter to pop-culture, fueled by the most effective tool for money-making nowadays—nostalgia. It is a thrilling and blatantly geeky joyride that will put a big dorky grin on the face of those who buys its premise. For those who don’t—well you are out luck. Take out the obscure nods and blustery set pieces, the film is left with relatively bland characters with disjointed arcs.
