

Loved the first Kingsman! Love Director Matthew Vaughn’s movies!! So naturally I was excited for this sequel. But with so many sequels not being better than the original, I was cautious.

This movie does have its good and bad. But unfortunately I don’t think this was better than the original. The action was more badass. There were a lot of brutal fist fights that was bloody and over the top. The gun action was also really fun especially the scenes involving Pedro Pascal’s Stateman agent Whisky.

The rivalry between Eggsy and rejected Kingsman recruit Charlie was what I wanted to see from the first movie, but didn’t get. So I liked that they brought it in here. Charlie was a great villain here. The stuff he does in this movie just makes you want to root for Eggsy even more.
Since he is just so slimy and despicable. He was probably more than Julianne Moore’s Poppy. Who doesn’t really do much until the end.

The action and the character motivations were done well. But the movie takes an unnecessarily convoluted route to getting there. There seems to be a needless drag to always getting from A to B.
On top of that, there were storylines that could have been completely taken out.

The relationship between Eggsy and the princess, completely needless. I didn’t like the fact that what was a joke in the last movie is now something that we are supposed to take seriously.
It takes up a lot of screen time that could have just been shredded.

Also the way they explain bringing back Colin Firth’s Harry was over complicated and needless. The story that was given to him was also bad too.

The central characters that of Eggsy, Harry, and Merlin and their journey was such a thrill to watch. It’s just that the journey wasn’t as smooth as I wanted it to be. It was still a better sequel than I could hope for. And they definitely put some effort into it.

I’m curious to see how they end this trilogy next.
