

Not everybody can be 21 Jump Street I guess....

A cheesy old TV show turned into a semi-self referential comedy just might be really fun! Especially when the Jump Street movies paved the way for it.

But in spite of Dwayne Johnson's likable presence and Zac Efron's comedic skills, this movie was not even half as funny as it could have been.

Booty, beaches 🌊, and raunchy humor, this movie had the formula. But the jokes were lame, the characters weren't that well developed, and it just disappointed me considering the amazing cast.

Dwayne Johnson plays himself, Zac Efron was the same character he was in Neighbors, the female cast was just there to sell the movie on its sex appeal and booty, the fat guy is there to be FAT! Of course...

I couldn't recall a single moment that I burst out laughing, but I didn't hate it as much as some others did.

Oh, and Paramount REALLY didn't spend any money on CG effects. The CG in this movie is embarrassingly terrible. TV shows have better effects.

This movie had summer comedy written all over it, and because of that I was pretty excited, but this movie just pretty much confirms that 21 Jump Street was lightening in a bottle.
