

The Invisible Man - Movie Review
(English translation below)

•[日本語] BLUMHOUSE会社のクラシックなハリウッド怪物:透明人間をテーマにした新作。現実的な問題を取り扱い、今までの透明人間の映画とは全く違う話だった。監督は、”SAW”の脚本を務め、最近では”アップグレード”といった数々の映画を監督してきたリー・ワネル。元夫/透明人間からハラスメントを受ける主役は、エリザベス・モス。


主演のエリザベス・モスはやっぱりすごい。最初のパラノイアになっている彼女の表情から、話が進むたびに劇的に狂っていき、誰もが信じない透明人間の存在を証明しようとする、彼女の顔と感情のシフトが絶妙。これはDolby Cinemaで見るしかない映画。

•[ENG] The new Blumhouse’s horror film adapting a Hollywood classical monster into its own original plot dealing with social problems, directed by Leigh Whannell (Known for Saw films and Upgrade), starring Elizabeth Moss as a protagonist who gets abused by her former husband who turns into an invisible man.

I loved this film. From the opening title it tentatively starts generating some tension and suspense to what we are going to see soon. What really helps the entire film get filled with insecurity and nervousness both for characters and us, audiences was the deft use of sound and music. Although some of the sounds may jump-scare some people, not only do they startle them, but they gives us the sense of invisibility gradually looming out of it alongside with terrific camera works especially slow paced panning for ambiguity.

Elizabeth Moss did such an incredible performance in this film. At first, she gets scared and paranoid but as the story goes on, she loses her mind and seeks to prove the existence of the invisible man that no one believes. Her shifting face expressions and emotions were phenomenal. Hence, it’s definitely worth a watch at a Dolby cinema.
