
T2 トレインスポッティングのフランコのレビュー・感想・評価

T2 トレインスポッティング(2017年製作の映画)
Somewhat funny and somewhat vulgar, this nostalgic sequel has considerably toned down to leave you feeling that Danny Boyle aged forty years rather than twenty. The film is heavily reliant on mentions and inserts from its beloved predecessor for bringing the smiles and laughter, so perhaps watching this back-to-back with T1 was not such a good idea. That said, all the efforts like freeze frames and texts popping up feel mundane in 2017, along with the awfully cold and dull color of the film. Although the characters already lived desolate lives back in T1, the color of the film was faded yet strangely lively as if to capture the state of being high! After all, T2 serves to prove how bold and fun T1 was.

Renton and Begbie's much awaited reunion over the toilet partitions was quite funny.

2017/7/23 Waseda-Shochiku
