

My Oscar coverage continues!!

It's been a while since I've seen a movie so raw with the emotion that it presents, and so real. How growing up can be extremely difficult in an urban harsh environment.

This movie is divided into 3 acts of the main character Chiron's life. First as a child, then as a teen, and him as a adult. He's a very shy person that starts to discover himself that he doesn't understand.

Because of this it is really hard for him to make friends and this movie unfolds.

All the actors that play Chiron are amazing. There performances combine to make one great character. With mostly minimal dialogue, they convey much heart needed for this person to become alive on screen.

This is an all black cast. Something that is very refreshing to see. It really helps to create the harsh urban environment that these people live in.

Towards the end, the conversations between the characters become so heartfelt and real that it really made me love this movie more.

The direction that Barry Jenkins took was excellent. This is the type of movie that you don't get to see a lot these days. It is reminiscent to the movie Boyhood. But took the material to the next level.

Hopefully this one takes home the Oscar! We'll see.
