

Teen movies, especially after you grow up can either be resonating or cringing to watch.

Let's be honest. Being a teen sucked. There's an awkwardness and embarrassment associated with growing up. I know I did.......(°_°)

This movie explores that. It's hard being in high school. Especially if you feel like you don't fit in.

Hailee Steinfield proves she is a capable lead. She plays Nadine. Her sarcasm and constant joking made me laugh quite a bit. She does come across a bit annoying though. There's a scene where she asks a guy if she wants to have sex, the guy saids yes, and she saids shes kidding.
Messing with guys like that? That's just mean.....

Woody Harrelson as the teacher who is basically Nadine's "therapist" was hilarious. He was the best part of the movie. His honesty and saying things that a teacher clearly shouldn't say made me bust a laugh many times.

Seeing things through Nadine's sarcastic cynical view of everything around her was funny at times, but got annoying at other times. Which bogged the movie down a little.

But this movie does raise a great reality. Being a teen SUCKS!! Where a lot of teen high school movies glamorizes the 青春 youth idea, it's good to see a movie that presents a different perspective of going through the teenage motions.
