

It's really nice to see these "who done it?" type movies
come back to the theaters. We haven't seen a movie like this in some while.

Kenneth Branagh was an odd choice to lead the movie as Detective Poirot.
(At first I thought it was Ewan McGregor under that thick mustache...)
But he was really good, he wasn't just a one dimensional genius, he actually
had some arcs and to see his frustration build up when the case got more and more
complex was really surprising to see.

The entire cast really worked. One of the most interesting aspects of the movie were
seeing certain actors play against type. Especially Josh Gad. We're so used to seeing
him as jolly Olaf, or Olaf types in other movies. In here, he was really toned down,
his character was damaged, and it was interesting to see him play a role that was completely
out of his comedy chops.
In fact, the enitire cast had so much shadiness going on about them that it was pretty
hard to identify the killer.
All be honest, if there was any time to use some Suicide Squad title cards, it would have been
this movie. It was hard to tell who was who based on their names alone. So many times, Poirot
would talk about someone and I was constantly like...who?

Also this being a big budget studio movie really does show. Not in a good way. There were so many scenes
involving the background, especially when they were in the snowy mountains, that didn't sink in with characters
that were there. It would be nitpicking, but it happened so often it just took me right out of it.

I was excited to see this movie, after watching so many CG heavy blockbusters. This is a thinking man's movie
and I enjoyed it.
