

...And just when you thought the year was done with a nice little Star Wars movie, you have another thing coming.

Flatliners really seems like a TV series that was forced into a movie. The acting was such TV level over-dramatic exaggeration. Non of these people look like they belong in medical school. I never bought any of these people when they tried to act smart.
They just look like models in lab coats.

Ellen Page’s character was probably the most interesting out of the bunch. But for the lead, she’s not in the movie as much. The focus is more on the other characters.

And these other characters are the dumbest unlikable bunch of people. And on top of that the TV acting made it worse. Somehow they managed to get Diego Luna in this.....Weren’t you just in Rogue One? How did you downgrade to this movie?

The movie attempts to explore the themes of afterlife and what it’s like. For about the first 30 minutes. That was cool and I was on board. Then the rest movie is spent with the characters dealing with the consequences. And it was booooring.

This couldn’t decide if it wants to be sci-fi, horror, or drama. It’s all those things but it’s all done poorly. What a way to close out the year...
