
ワンダーウーマン 1984のたーぼーのレビュー・感想・評価

ワンダーウーマン 1984(2020年製作の映画)
“This world was a beautiful place just as it was… and you cannot have it all. You can only have the truth. And the truth is enough.
The truth is beautiful. So, look at this world… and look at what your wish is costing it. You must be the hero. Only you can save the day. Renounce your wish if you want to save this world.”



“You cannot be the winner, because you are not ready to win, and there is no shame in that. Only in knowing the truth in your heart and not accepting it. No true hero is born from lies.”

“But sometimes you can’t see what you’re learning until you come out the other side.”
