


I watched Jigoku (Hell, 1960), directed by Nobuo Nakagawa. It’s a horror film about, you guessed it...going to hell. Nagakawa directed a slew of horror films for the ailing Shin-Toho Studios in the late 1950s and early 1960s, often based on Japanese folklore. This one is a modern story about a group of related people and their crimes, along with plenty of lurid depictions of the Buddhist concept of hell. The style of Nakagawa’s films can be said to prefigure a lot of the post-studio Japanese genre films: so focused on building thematic intensity that it tends to slip beyond the bounds of possibility, good taste, or even diegetic coherence, and in fact revels in doing so, but always at its core is completely earnest. Anyway, Jigoku was very much like that. Very entertaining on the whole, though at times a little too self-serious too match what it was showing. I picked it out of course for the stylized depiction of hell, but the first half of the story, with the characters’ interconnected crimes and the insane causality that results from them, was nicely crazy too. Good campy performances from the side characters helped that along. For a contemporary viewer many of the special effects are a bit dated, but the staging and shooting of them were well-done so if you have a decent imagination you can easily catch the intended experience.