
TENET テネットのAriのレビュー・感想・評価

TENET テネット(2020年製作の映画)
The complexity...
The most profound movie in Christopher Nolan 's works I have ever watched.
First of all, cannot comprehend the story sequence. Gradually begin to provide clarity on the way, however not clear totally, even if finished to watch.

Graphics are so innovative and amazing. Also sound-effect works well same as his works so far.

I think the theme, 'time retrogression' cannot be expressed effectively without movie performance. Christopher Nolan teach us that.

Enjoyed, but we need to watch twice and over to understand the story or not need to try to think, we just do feel it...?

In te end, I cannot understand clearly meaning of 'Tenet', but if to set up my hypothesis, this is something common-sense and belief that we have / believe from the past.
Christopher Nolan breaks our past with this movie paradoxically.

Anyway, will watch again later.
