
フレンチ・ディスパッチ ザ・リバティ、カンザス・イヴニング・サン別冊のナガオのレビュー・感想・評価

This film has all of the Wes Anderson tropes and I’m all for it. His style is incredibly refreshing and makes myself rethink how stories can be told through film. And having been an avid reader of the New Yorker I see the many ways in which he took inspiration from them as this film is an ode to those writers and journalists.

That in mind I wish I felt more attached or engaged with the various stories in the film; I simply wasn’t invested much in the characters and their adventures despite the acting by the cast and the way Anderson’s style worked to drive the narratives.

In that sense, films like Rushmore and The Grand Budapest Hotel still reign supreme within his repertoire of classics.
