

I could not even cry at the end of the film I was too shocked. Wonderful story and even better portrayal of Cabiria by Giulietta Masina. I am in absolute awe at Masina's skill - I cannot believe she is the same person as the person who played Gelsomina - she has my heart. The opening scene is very well executed - not only does it give us everything we need to know about Cabiria's character, but we get an insight into the critique/observation that Fellini is trying to make about men and women, and the vicissitudes that the latter may be subject to. I was also able to see what Fellini kept/developed for his further films - namely the exposure to elitists, religious permeation, semi-voyeurism?, car conversations, and hypnotism, fantasy and magic.
Speaking of hypnotism, this scene was beautiful and hopeful, the light illuminating Cabiria from the back with her flower crown... what a gorgeous frame. The juxtaposition between this idealism and Oscar's motives really, really hurt. In the ending scene, Masina perfectly portrays not only absolute devastation, but strength, immense courage, as well as a self-deprecatory glance, as if to say "I should have known," as well as a nod to the camera whilst breaking the fourth wall with her beautiful, broken eyes, as if to say "Ill be alright". Very high up in my list of movies. Thank you Fellini and Masina.
