

Deciding to revisit "Hereditary" by Ari Aster proved to be a personal challenge for me. In my previous viewing, I found myself averting my eyes from numerous scenes, a reaction stemming from a sort of PTSD triggered by the intense moments, particularly those involving women in distress. Setting aside any moral or ethical commentary, Aster's portrayal of grief struck a chord with me, transcending mere sadism to depict a profound sense of lament.
From casting choices to meticulous attention to color grading, Aster's dedication to every aspect of the filmmaking process is evident, earning my respect. Undoubtedly, he stands out as one of the burgeoning talents in the American film industry.
Delving into the themes of spiritualism explored in the movie, I found myself reflecting on my own longstanding curiosity about the occult, dating back to my elementary school years. However, "Hereditary" underscored the fragility of our mental states and the dangers of delving too deeply into the unknown. It served as a cautionary tale, warning against the allure of necromancy and the potential consequences of summoning forces beyond our control.
In essence, "Hereditary" not only delivers a chilling cinematic experience but also prompts introspection on the boundaries of our psyche and the dangers of tampering with forces we cannot comprehend.

New words:
pneumonia: 肺炎
toil away: 大変な作業をする(終わらす)
inevitable: 耐え難い
descrated: 冒涜される、墓荒らしされる
schizophrenia: 精神分裂症
frivolous: 軽薄な
resentment: 立腹
skeptic: 疑い深い、無神論者
conjure: 召喚する、霊界から呼び起こす
medium: 仲介者、媒体
apparition: 幽霊
expel: 除名
console: 慰める
