
ザ・バンク 堕ちた巨像のUnashamedのレビュー・感想・評価

ザ・バンク 堕ちた巨像(2009年製作の映画)

The International:
The system of justice and law fundamentally supports our society like a spinal cord. However, capitalism has replaced many forms of democracy. Since the pandemic, more and more people have realized that the system has collapsed and reformed due to double standards for high-class individuals. Most film studios cannot portray them as a “stupid mob.”
The movie The International explains the black box of relationships between the government and banks. They tried to maintain an equilibrium in the world, but their concept of equilibrium was completely opposite to democracy. Important decisions wriggle underground while we are living.
new words:
autopsy: 解剖、献体解剖
lesion: 病変、傷
percutaneously: 経皮的に
discoloration: 変色
illiot: 非合法
dossier: カルテ、経歴書類
agony: 苦痛
gendermerie: 警察隊
preliminary: 前件
discrepancy: 不一致
residue: 残機物
provenance: 出所、来歴
implode: 破綻する
corroboration: 裏付け
redemption: 贖罪
countermeasure: 解決策、最善策
