

When the spark of joy seems elusive, 'Mary Poppins' has the magical ability to reignite the importance of pure creativity in our lives. Reflecting on the film, I find myself inspired by the traditional matte paint techniques that were employed, harkening back to a time when animation relied on human craftsmanship.
In the contemporary landscape, animation often leans heavily on 3DCG systems. While these techniques boast impressive realism, they sometimes struggle to capture the nuanced differences between hand-drawn animation and the automatic physics calculations of 3DCG. Personally, I find the charm of hand-drawn animation more captivating, as it seems to breathe with a life that can be challenging to replicate in 3D.
The dichotomy between the two methods leads me to believe that pure, human-made works involve intricate processes and are infused with unfiltered imaginative expressions. While some may dismiss Disney's creations as 'just Disney,' I deeply comprehend why his animations, rooted in traditional craftsmanship, have touched the hearts of so many. There's a timeless magic in the meticulous artistry and creativity of hand-drawn animation, and 'Mary Poppins' serves as a delightful reminder of its enduring appeal.
