

”I never enjoy anything. I'm waiting for whatever's next. I think everyone's like that; living life in fast forward; never stopping to enjoy the moment; too busy trying to rush through everything."

Stuck in Love all starts with this line by Samantha. I was immediately drawn to the story because I though it was EXACTLY ME. Then the line continues:

"...so we can get on with what we're really supposed to be doing with our lives. I get these flashes of clarity... brilliant clarity, where, for a second, I stop and think, "Wait, this is it. This is my life. I'd better slow down and enjoy it because one day, we're all gonna end up in the ground... and that'll be it. We'll be gone.""

This line was just fascinating enough to grab my attention all the way through to the end of the story.


Overall, Stuck in Love made me wanna:
A) experience a true love with someone.
B) read books that should describe whatever feelings that I get in life.

As for A), seeing the 3 characters moving forward of all the insecurities made me courageous about love. I have been stuck in the same situation where Samantha was in: "I'm scared. I don't wanna get hurt."-kind-of situation. They proved that dwelling on this point never lets things better thus I should move on in order to find a true love.

As for B), seeing the 3 characters quoting their favorite books to explain their thoughts made me wanna read books. Actually, I am bad at putting my thoughts in words and I thought this was because I have been away from books lately. As Bill mentioned "A writer is the sum of their experiences", books or the writer's experiences should help me understand my life. I think this process is simply beautiful.


I am 20 at the moment. In this movie, Flannary O'Connor was quoted, "Nothing needed to happen in a writer's life after they were 20. By then, they had experienced more than enough to last their creative life." but I disagree. Everyone is a writer in a way and everyone is experiencing more as life goes on, so, even though I already reached 20, I don't think I have experienced enough yet. I'm scared and I don't wanna get hurt in any way, but I should keep moving on or expanding my comfort zone. I always gotta be improving myself.


p.s. All those pieces of music and books were fascinating to me. I will definitely touch on some of those such as
- Elliot Smith "Between the Bars"
- Stephen King "It"
