
NY 心霊捜査官のMushiのネタバレレビュー・内容・結末

NY 心霊捜査官(2014年製作の映画)


What was eating inside of this protagonist felt very important yet I found it taken very lightly here.
I hoped to see why he was the chosen one to have the radar. I understand his anger but the connection to it wasn’t shown in the climax, which felt a lot of missed opportunities.

What’s god doing while lots of crime happen.
He is in those hearts of who stops it.

I like that but show me that god had helped us with it.

This was actually something that I love.
I love this atmosphere and characters.
But I feel it was sort of caring for the actual incidents too much. Whereas Conjuring paint on it a lot.

“Footage”, also this directors work, was great, I didn’t “really” know what was causing it, whether that’s monster, god, devil etc.. this one was different and I like that also but this one felt narratively weaker.
Too much jump scares.
I’ve seen it done but I just love it.

I must do second watch on this, I was so into it, I missed a lot of points.
