
ベストセラー 編集者パーキンズに捧ぐのWeinsteinのレビュー・感想・評価

Thomas Wolfe: Dear Max, I've got a hunch. And I wanted to write these words to you. I've made a long voyage and been to a strange country and I've seen the dark man very close. And I don't think I was too much afraid of him. But I want most desperately to live. I want to see you again. For there is such impossible anguish and regret for all I can never say to you, for all the work I have to do. I feel as if a great window has been opened on life. And if I come through this, I hope to god I am a better man and can live up to you. But most of all, I wanted to tell you, no matter what happens, I shall always feel about you the way I did that November day
when you met me at the boat and we went on top of the building and all the strangeness and the glory and the power of life were below. Yours always, Tom.
