
トップガン マーヴェリックのkanoのレビュー・感想・評価

20220603 4.5 016
20220528 4.4 014 wasm

Coleman: Your instructor is one of the finest pilots this program has ever produced. His exploits are legendary. What he has to teach you could mean the very difference between life and death.

Rear Admiral: The end is inevitable, Maverick. Your kind is headed for extinction.
Maverick: Maybe so, sir. But not today.

Rear Admiral: Thirty-plus years of service. Combat medals. Citations. Only man to shoot down three enemy planes in the last 40 years. Yet you can't get a promotion, you won't retire, and despite your best efforts, you refuse to die. You should be at least a two-star Admiral by now, yet here you are. Captain. Why is that?
Maverick: It's one of life's mysteries, sir.

Adm. Tom 'Iceman' Kazansky: The Navy needs Maverick. The kid needs Maverick. That's why I fought for you. That's why you're still here.
