

Crazy Rich Asians:
In May, which is recognized as AAPI (Asian American and Pacific Islander) Heritage Month, I decided to watch the famous American-Asian movie Crazy Rich Asians. Surprisingly, I noticed that kind of crazy wealth among neighbors in New York who are still students but live in skyscraper buildings. My former boss and his daughter also fit this description (in fact, they live in front of Central Park). I have also heard that relationships within indigenous Asian families are often restricted and selective. While watching, the extravagant lifestyle of the bachelor was overwhelming, and the style of entertainment reminded me of the white colonial era, which made me uncomfortable. I wondered if we Asians were still trapped in the ecstasy of money. Unfortunately, I believe my guess is accurate. We have sometimes ignored our true identity and tried to adopt another cultural background to feel fulfilled.

new words:
custodian: 守護者
discreet: 控えめ、口が固い
fertility: 多産、ふくよか
perk: 特典
optimal : 最適
snoshy: 卑劣な
unkempt: ぼさぼさ、だらしない
nab: 捕まえる
nepotism: 縁故主義
resent: 恨む、憤慨する
