

“Breaking in” a very cliched drama / thriller new release which came out a few months ago. Since I’m a huge fan of thriller movies especially the ones with simplicity and some weirdness and this movie had looked like the one that would excite me but things happen in quite a predictable as well as cliched way that kinda bored me a bit. I actually thought in this movie the woman would try to break in to her house to save her children who are held hostage by thugs so it sounded a bit interesting since we don’t have the many movies where victims try to break in so I was kinda exited to see how it would go on, but turned out to be shit that the woman managed to let herself in within a few mins and just try to beat them off like the other thriller...which let me down. I didn’t hate it at all but couldn’t enjoy that much unluckily perhaps coz I’m quite used to seeing this kinda films and just needed something different so not sure how other people would react at this movie. Anyway if you have time, go check it out and share your opinions with us below! Cheers! #breakinginmovie #2018movies #moviereview #showgobond
