

“Gemini Man” - Movie Review

[日本語] とてもつまらない映画だった。ストーリー、脚本、たいして普通な演出、すべてがダメダメだった。


Will Smithのキャラクターのほかに、彼くらい頻繁にでてくるキャラクターもいるが、彼らの背景の説明が全くなく、まるで”オズの魔法使い”みたいに、てきとうに集まって、プランなしで冒険にいこう!って感じだった。

この映画の1番最悪だったのは、脚本であろう。まったく内容に関係ないことで溢れてて、恐らく脚本家がWill Smithがでるから、少しコミカルにしようとてきとうに、よくわからない地味なジョークを打ち込んだのであろうくらい、バカらしかった。まったくオススメしません。

ちなみに、私は、3D HFR(120fps)といった普通の映画の画質(24fps)より、ほぼ6倍きれいな高画質でみたが、この映画をこれでみる価値はまったくなかったであろう。ざんねん。

(P.S 一体、過去に2度も監督賞でオスカーを受賞してる、アン・リー監督に何があったのだろう…)

[ENG] With such a boring storyline, ridiculous screenplay, and mediocre performances the film was completely dull.
Despite this it takes a bit of time to set up things for what’s coming at the end so that there’s really nothing creative or interesting but just boring throughout the film unfortunately.

Although there are multiple characters other than Will Smith, who appear in almost every scene altogether, the background story of each one was totally inadequate, thus making it feel as if all these characters just came together with no objectives for an adventure like Wizard of Oz.

The very thing I reckon that makes the film so atrocious is probably the screenplay. It contains nothing but nonsense that they just randomly throw at us without following what is happening in situations. That is, it seemed like screen writers chucked something that they found funny into the screenplay just to partially make it a bit comical for Will Smith but it was just ludicrous.

Anyhoo, I watched it in 3D HFR for the first time but am pretty sure that this was definitely not the film for it.

(P.S What happened to the Oscar awarded director, Ang Lee?)
