
ザ・ボーイ ~残虐人形遊戯~のShowgoBondのレビュー・感想・評価

ザ・ボーイ ~残虐人形遊戯~(2019年製作の映画)
Brahms: The Boy II - Movie Review
(English translation below)

•[日本語] 2016年に公開された“ザ・ボーイ人形少年の館”の続編…といっても、1とはほぼ全く関係のない話。同じ監督、脚本家であるのに、なぜ最初の映画で組み立てたものをまるでなかったかのようにするのかが、とても不思議。しかも、最初の映画は意外とどんでんがえし的なものもあったし、面白さもあったのに、今回のものはホラー映画お馴染みのいきなりの大音量やらなにやらで、とてもつまらない。



•[ENG] The first film “The Boy” was actually pretty enjoyable to me with a big twist at the end and everything kinda makes sense by the end of it. Alright, then how could the same director and writer as the previous one make this shitty film with such a tedious plot, filled with horror stereotypical jump-scaring elements?!

First of all, the film is filled with very unnecessary sequences that have nothing to do with what’s coming next just to jump-scare the audiences. Yet, it’s got a bloody traditional way to startle us with a big volume of sudden sounds so that it’s pretty obvious what will happen next.

Second, even though it was directed and written by the same guys it totally scrapped the event that happened in the first film, hence a totally stand-alone sequel with a more powerful doll that moves itself...we’ve already seen tons of films with possessed dolls like Annabelle. What a cliche. All the things which are about to happen in the next scenes are very predictable and who’re also about to get hurt.

Performances were actually alright , especially Ralph Ineson (known for The Witch). His eerie character with the kinda unsettling, yet smooth tone of his voice could be an indication that something wrong is about to happen every time he shows up out of nowhere. But the film itself totally failed to take an advantage of their talented acting.

I assume that those who enjoyed the first one are most likely to get disappointed in this sequel. You better stay away from it.
