

Jojo Rabbit - Movie Review
(English translation below)

•[日本語] ヒトラーの幻をベストフレンドとするナチスの男の子。このあらすじはたしかに面白そうだ。いろいろとナチスドイツを背景とした映画を見てきたが、これほど笑いながらみれるものはなかった。それと同時に、そのコメディの裏に隠れている、自由権、平等などのメッセージ。これこそタイカ・ワイティティ(監督/ヒトラー役)の映画だ!



•[ENG] An imaginary friend whose name is Adolf Hitler...that’s quite intriguing. Some films based on stories of the Nazis are quite hard to watch but this film is rendered comical, funny and yet contains important messages in regard to freedom and equality conveyed through fairly hyperbolic expressions which can be often seen in Taika Waititi’s films.

Taika Waititi did such an amazing job as Adolf Hitler as always, creating an impactful motif for the film. To my surprise, a budding actor, Roman Davis nailed his role by showing us the extreme change of emotions toward Jews and what is going on in the world throughout the film. The cast was, hence, amazing, maintaining the Taika‘S direction.

One of the issues that I maybe need to point out here is the storyline. It was not terrible but not that satisfying to me. Some of the scenes which could’ve levelled up the tension seem to be completely ignored after the sequences. That could’ve been done better in my opinion in order to bring more suspenseful moods to specific scenes. Hence, the film could be slightly forgettable in a sense.
