
1917 命をかけた伝令のShowgoBondのレビュー・感想・評価

1917 命をかけた伝令(2019年製作の映画)
1917 - Movie Review
(English translation below)

•[日本語] オスカー監督サムメンデス(代表作:アメリカンビューティー、スカイフォール)と生存しているカメラマンで、この間ブレードランナー2049でオスカーを受賞したBESTともいえる、ロジャーディーキンスが作り上げた、顎が落ちるほど素晴らしい第一次世界大戦を背景に描いた映画。彼らの作り上げる戦争アクションは、スリル満点。



•[ENG] An incredible war epic film set in the World War I by the Oscar winning director Sam Mendes (known for American Beauty and Skyfall) AND the best living cinematographer Roger Deakins (Blade Runner 2049). What an unbelievable collaboration, which brought us such a phenomenally looking jaw-dropping sequences throughout the film.

The film was designed to look in one shot. That achieved to put the audiences into the same position as the characters, giving us tremendously nerve wrecking feelings as the camera follows the characters from the behind. So we tend to get the same reactions as they do for instance, when someone suddenly shoots them from nowhere. Powerful moods and atmosphere going round on screen start getting extremely tangible for us, also with amazing visual effects.

Despite the uncomplicated mission given to these two young men: delivering a message as well as finding his brother, the amount of terror and persistent anxiety looming out of the story was even more than we expected to be shared. One of the best war films with no doubt.
